Scp 1342
1.Sự tương đồng đã được ghi nhận giữa khả năng của SCP-1341 và SCP-1513 trong việc sản sinh động vật từ cơ quan thực vật của chúng.
Scp 1342. SCP-1342-1 ma być przechowywany w klatce Faradaya, mierzącej 15m x 15m x m, w celu zapobiegnięcia transmisji telemetrii oraz innych danych dotyczących SCP-1342. My interpretation of the Gliscian, the Makers of Music and the alien race responsible for the creation of SCP-1342-1. SCP-1342-2 is skladováno ve standardním sejfu na elektronické komponenty.
Scp-6를 처음 확보할 당시, scp-076-2(이하 아벨)이 6와 1 대 1 맞짱을 떠서 집어넣었다.아벨과 6의 유혈 낭자한 싸움은 아벨이 6의 입 안에 칼을 힘차게 꽂아넣은 다음, 6의 이빨이 아벨의 상반신을 갈라버리는 동시에 아벨이 6를 두동강 내버리는 것으로 사실상 무승부로 끝났다고. Euclide Procédures de Confinement Spéciales :. It is considerably larger than that animal, though, with adults reaching wingspans of up to 3.
SCP-1342 представляет собой морскую раковину, морфологически напоминающую раковину ископаемого моллюска Volutospina athleta, однако значительно более крупную, чем любые когда-либо найденные ископаемые образцы. Equipo de monitorización será instalado alrededor y en el interior de la entidad por si acaso se vuelve activa nuevamente. SCP-2935 event, O Death Origin:.
SCP-1342, To the Makers of Music. SCP-1342-1 deve essere rinchiuso all'interno di una gabbia Faraday, misurante 15m x 15m x m, per prevenire la trasmissione di telemetrie e di altri dati riguardanti SCP-1342. No one may enter SCP-743’s containment area except for scheduled D-class personnel.
The SCP-2935 event is an event which affected SCP-2935, an alternate universe. Scp-1342-1의 탐지는 이것이 나타난 직후 발생한 많은 양의 체렌코프 복사에 의해 가능했다. Striders vaguely resemble gigantic humans, ranging in height from two to three kilometers (around 6,600-10,000 feet).
SCP-1342-2 ma być przechowywany w standardowej szafce na przedmioty elektroniczne. They have to the ability to "shift" from this dimension to another one where they hunt their prey. With Carson Strang, ron McKee, Graham Blackwood, Husam Younes.
Keep it in a Faraday cage at Site-15. Jedna dekódovaná kopie SCP-1342-2 je uchovávána v oddělené lokaci. SCP-1342-1 is to be kept within a Faraday cage, measuring 15m x 15m x m, to prevent transmission of telemetry and other data regarding SCP-1342.
Researcher Rowe Lucian talks about SCP-1342. SCP-1342-2 deve essere immagazzinato dentro un armadietto per componenti elettronici standard. They prey on the human souls that have passed on to this dimension.
Remember that Hi-larious gag with testing every potentially deadly SCP with 6?. SCP-1000 - SCP-1999) 1000 to 1099 SCP-1000 - Bigfoot, SCP-1001 - Ya-Te-Veo, SCP-1002 - Demisers, SCP-1003 - Tapeworm Child, SCP-1004 - Factory Porn, SCP-1005 - The Painted Man, SCP-1006 - Spider Proletariat, SCP-1007 - Mr. Omnibenevolence ("all-goodness") is the capacity to be infinitely good, and good in every capacity that good is recognized by any sentient being in existence.
Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. SCP-1560 instances resemble the terrestrial black-browed albatross. You can review all the cause-and-effect relations of timeline.
자물쇠의 열쇠는 인접한 보안 부서의 3등급 인원 3명이 경비해야 한다. That sure didn't wear out it's welcome quickly or anything. « SCP-1340 | SCP-1341 | SCP-1342 ».
또한 문서에 개체 정보나 문서 정보가 틀이 부착되어 있어야 합니다. SCP-1342 belongs to its author:. Death, SCP-1008 - Exile Stone, SCP-1009 - The Beautiful World, SCP-1010 - The Green Man, SCP-1011 - Humanization Process, SCP.
SCP-1341 is a mason jar made of red glass, with the words "JUNGLE IN A JAR" stenciled on the lid with black acrylic paint. Jedna rozkodowana kopia SCP-1342-2 ma być przechowywana w osobnej szafce. Until removal plans for SCP-1343 are finalized, public use of the adjacent southern tunnel tubes will continue.
Instructions for playing and decoding remain original. Los restos de SCP-1281 están guardados en el Puesto Remoto 1-09. The Foundation retrieves it and finds an alien civilization's version of the famous gold disc that contains.
However, some components appear to have been constructed based on incomplete plans or parts. Safe Special Containment Procedures:. 안전(Safe) 특수 격리 절차:.
SCP-1560 is the SCP Foundation's designation for an extradimensional species of bird-like animal sometimes found in the skies of Earth. Any activity that must be performed within SCP-743’s containment area must be performed remotely by robot. All the events are represented on the interactive timeline and can be visualized.
Una copia descodificada de SCP-1342-2 debe estar contenida en una taquilla independiente. Công tác điều tra nguồn gốc chung của hai vật thể dị thường này hiện đang được tiến hành. Death Manipulation, Power Nullification.
Keter Special Containment Procedures:. It has seemingly killed everything loosely defined as "life" in this alternate universe. On 3- - , SCP-1342-1 materialized an object henceforth refereed to as SCP-1342-4.
The aliens' home world is undergoing severe ecological collapse that has resulted in larger than average storms, desertification, and the loss of much of their technology. The power to be universally and infinitely good. In game, the player has to collect the level key cards in order to leave the facility.
This is another favorite extraterrestrial skip of mine for similar reasons as SCP-163. SCP-432는 제25구역에 있는 표준 보관소에 보관되어 있으며, 항상 잠겨진 상태여야 한다. Turned out to be the result of a direct attack thanks to future humanity.
And just like SCP-163, the Gliscians were an absolute joy to draw. La cellule est gardée par deux gardes de sécurité de niveau 2 subissant quotidiennement des tests psychologiques. Any temporal instruments within 15 feet of it seem to fail, and personnel in the range it feel a loss of ability to tell time for several days in addition to several docile side affects as.
SCP-1342-2 is a gold-plated phonograph record, with specifications matching the Golden Records carried on the Voyager probes. But when SCP-049 escapes from Site-19, hell is unleashed. Scp-1342-1이 통제되지 않은 대기권 진입을 겪고 태평양의 베이커 섬의 동쪽 300km 지점에 착수(着水)한 뒤에, scp-1342-1은 19년 9월 27일에 재단 요원에 의해 수복되었다.
Une copie décodée de SCP-1342-2 doit être confinée dans un casier séparé. When SCP-1341 is in an inactive state, it weighs approximately 480 grams. SCP-1342-1 is a replica of Voyager 1.
1.Se ha observado similitud entre la capacidad de SCP-1341 y SCP-1513 para producir fauna a partir de su flora. ให้เก็บ SCP-1342 ไว้ในศูนย์-15 SCP-1342-1 จะเก็บไว้ในกรงฟาราเดย์ ขนาด 15 x 15 x เมตร เพื่อไม่ให้มีการส่งโทรมาตรและข้อมูล. To keep the Earth's population ignorant and safe from the world's anomalies.
SCP-008, or the "Zombie Plague", is a bio-hazardous SCP object found in SCP - Containment Breach. 이 문서를 편집할 때에는 scp 재단 한국어 위키의 번역 규정 및 전문 용어 모음을 참고하시기 바랍니다. Keep -2 in storage, and monitor Gliese 445 for -3's transmissions.
SCP-1281 Clasificación del Objeto:. SCP-1342, a replica of Voyager 1 and its greetings, was sent by a race of aliens 40,000 years in the future whose technology was enhanced by seeing our radio and TV broadcasts to the point where they could have created faster-than-light travel and a sort of time travel, but they were suddenly destroyed by humans. If the SCP-XXXX attacks the player, SCP-XXXX would scream at the player.
Instructions for playing and decoding remain original. 이 문서는 scp 재단의 문서를 번역하거나 참고하였습니다. Striders are a race of immense, vaguely simian aliens native to the extradimensional realm of Corbenic.
Seguro Procedimientos Especiales de Contención:. Directed by Carson Strang. Now they call the Wierd Creatures SCP they are in the world SCP 1- SCP 1342.
그 외의 특수 격리는 불필요하다. Euclid Laconic Containment Procedures:. Se está investigando el origen compartido de las dos anomalías.
However, the pulsar map has been altered to show the star Gliese 445 as the origin of SCP-1342. They are covered head to toe in thick, matted black fur, and have huge white eyes that resemble. SCP-XXXX, also known as Derek and The Shadow Man, are Keter class SCPs from the 19 video game SCP:.
A copy of the Voyager 1 that spontaneously appeared over and splashed down to Earth. As the player is searching, the SCP-XXXX would mainly appear behind the player. SCP-1342-1 debe estar contenido dentro de una jaula de Faraday de medidas 15m x 15m x m, para prevenir la transmisión de telemetría y otros datos sobre SCP-1342.
The Secret SCP Bunker Bravo is a Bunker who was find in 19'67. Keter Class Anomalous Entity Powers and Abilities:. As a result, several components were non-functional upon recovery.
SCP-1342-2 is a gold-plated phonograph record, with specifications matching the Golden Records carried on the Voyager probes. SCP-1342-2 is to be stored in a standard. Check out |DA| Doge Army's Place Number:.
SCP-1343 is to be contained on location at the abandoned construction site in the northernmost tube of the Tunnel Complex. Ultimate form of Good Embodiment. SCP-1342-2 doit être stocké dans un casier pour composants électroniques standard.
SCP-501 est gardé dans un coffre-fort sécurisé, verrouillé et opaque dans une cellule de 5 m x 5 m x 5 m dans le Site-3. SCP-1342-1 se nachází uvnitř Faradayovy klece o rozměrech 15 x 15 x metrů, aby se zabránilo přenosu telemetrických a jiných dat ohledně SCP-1342. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
It brings so much sadness and fascination all at the same time. SCP-500 has been recorded to completely cure the effects of SCP-008, even in the advanced stages of the disease. Secure, Contain, Protect - this has always been the goal of the SCP Foundation:.
SCP-1342 следует хранить в Зоне 15. However, the pulsar map has been altered to show the star Gliese 445 as the origin of SCP-1342. Exact replication of the original probe extends to sensor packages and apparent chemical composition.
SCP-1342-1 doit être conservé dans une cage de Faraday mesurant 15 m x 15 m x m, afin d'empêcher la transmission de la télémétrie et des autres données concernant SCP-1342. SCP articles from Series II (i.e. SCP-1342 - To the Makers of Music SCP-1343 - Pile Up SCP-1344 - Eye-Catching Goggles SCP-1345 - Propaganda Machine SCP-1346 - Phobia Induction Corridor SCP-1347 - Box Full of Questions SCP-1348 - Inner Sanctum SCP-1349 - Stomach Bug SCP-1350 - The Pixel SCP-1351 - Moebius Cave SCP-1352 - Sentient Whirlwind.
It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. Don Gato Apr 28, 13 Actually a bipedal cat.

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